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A home energy audit comprising of diagnostic performance testing is the first step in assessing your home’s energy consumption and to evaluate measures to:

  • Promote Healthy Indoor Air Quality

  • Improve Home Comfort

  • Increase Home Durability

  • Increase Home Value

  • Lower Utility Bills

Environmental Energy Consultants Auditors are Nationally recognized BPI Certified HEP Energy Auditors, Quality Control Inspectors, Building Analyst, Envelope Professionals, RBE-WHALCI, IDL and registered MO Department of Economic Development certified auditors, combined with Green Builder and Environmental Certifications assuring our clients are receiving the most comprehensive energy audit services available.

During the energy audit, Environmental Energy Consultants can pinpoint exactly where your home is losing energy,determine the efficiency and safety of your home's heating and cooling systems, evaluate aspects of indoor air quality, and means to conserve water and energy.

In most cases, recommended energy efficiency upgrades pay for themselves in a short period through energy cost savings, while adding comfort, and improving the health and safety of your home.


  • Before an Environmental Energy Consultants energy auditor visits your home, make a list of any existing problems or concerns you may have such as uncomfortable or drafty rooms, windows that cause solar comfort issues, window condensation, health issues such as chronic cough, headaches, or flu like symptoms or high utility costs.​

 Have copies or a summary of the home's yearly energy bills. If possible an entire year's summary (Contact your utility company(s) to acquire past bills.)


Pricing for Comprehensive and Quantitative Energy Audits include TESTING your home prior to recommending upgrades and RE TESTING your home after recommended upgrades have been completed whether upgrades are completed by Environmental Energy Consultants or another contractor of your choice.

                                                              Walk Through Audit: 

This is a minimal level energy evaluation, diagnostic equipment is not used in the analysis, however, with the experience of our BPI Certified Energy Auditors, visually shown deficiencies will be recommended for upgrades including insulation, sealing, windows/doors, HVAC equipment & duct work, water heaters, appliances, and lighting.

This audit level is not performed to BPI standards.

For safety concerns this level of audit will not be considered in homes containing combustion fuel appliances. When air sealing is recommended, a pre and post retrofit blower door should be completed to verify Indoor Air Quality.

  • Comprehensive Audit: 


Blower Door Test

Infrared Thermal Imaging

Combustion Gas Appliance Efficiency, Safety Evaluation

Energy Bill Analysis: Determines base load and seasonal utility costs.

Lighting Evaluation

Water Conservation Measures

Visual inspection of whole house, including, insulation levels in walls, attic, and basement/crawlspace, evaluation of windows/doors and combustion gas appliances.

A written report will be generated outlining prioritized recommended upgrades.

  •  Qualitative Comprehensive Audit:


All diagnostic and visual testing as comprehensive audit plus;

Computer Modeling utilizing NEAT software: Predicts home performance.

A written report will be generated outlining recommended upgrades with a cost analysis of current conditions and proposed upgrades with Return on Investment calculations.

Above pricing is for 2000 sq. ft. or less home

Testing of larger homes, complex home design and/or homes with multiple furnace systems add additional costs.


PAGE DESCRIPTION: Environmental Energy Consultants is a Training Center for BPI Certification Exams. Environmental Energy Consultants offer energy auditor and weatherization worker training for BPI Certification exams through our partnership with Various Colleges and organizations throughout the Saint Louis, MO region

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